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A massive 'Thankyou' to the Lawson Endowment Fund for Kent for its very generous donation of £1,500 towards the £2k cost of a brand new trailer for us.

We attend up to 20 outdoor fundraising and awareness events every year and previously had to rely on a smaller trailer and our volunteers' cars to transport gazebos, tables, prizes and so on.

This new trailer will make things so much easier for us!

Thanks too to the Kent Community Foundation which manages the fund for its help and support.

On Tuesday 25 October MPs will come together for the annual Baby Loss Awareness Week debate in Westminster. We want as many of our East Kent MPs as possible to attend so we are4 asking as many people as possible to email their MP to ask them to attend to help put baby loss firmly on the new Government’s agenda.

Just click this link to contact your MP - it takes just two minutes!

This year we will not be holding a Wave of Light in Ashford. There will be one at Rochester Cathedral and another at Kingshill, for anyone who is able to travel.

A lot of people are joining the virtual Wave of Lights instead.

We will be keeping the Ashford Baby Memorial Garden open until 8pm on Saturday 15 October for anyone who wants to come along, but we will not be organising an event there. It will just be somewhere where we can come and sit for a while (feel free to bring your own chair), and light our candles.

You are most welcome to join us there.

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